Elijah's Place

Elijah's Place

Program Director:
Randi Fertitta, MS, LPC


Children grieve differently than adults. 

For that reason, it is important to allow them to communicate their feelings with other children who can understand. There is no fee for services through Elijah's Place.

Elijah’s Place grief support provides a setting for age appropriate peer support sessions for the children (ages 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, and 14-18). Families come to Elijah’s Place two evenings each month. Participation in the program lasts until the family decides they no longer require the services. Support groups are also available in alternate locations upon request. Elijah’s Place is not counseling or therapy, nor is it intended to take the place of counseling. Support groups are led by trained volunteers, supervised by a professional counselor.

Elijah’s place 

Childhood Bereavement Education & Consulting

Elijah’s Place provides ongoing grief support to children ages 5 – 18 who have experienced the death of a parent, caregiver, or sibling. The program also offers childhood bereavement education for adults working in schools, churches, and community organizations.

In addition to support groups, Elijah’s place offers community education and training for  professionals and volunteers who encounter children who might be grieving. We conduct trainings for a variety of audiences including:

  • School personnel/students
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Community organizations
  • Medical and social services professionals

Trainings are tailored to meet the needs of the organization which requests the training. Depending on your needs, topics may include: 

  • Understanding and supporting children and teens who are grieving 
  • Helping children  to support their peers who are grieving
  • When an entire school/organization is affected by the death
  • How to become a grief sensitive school

Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is a member of the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, American Hospice Association and is a friend to the National Coalition to Support Grieving Students.

Support Sessions

All support sessions are led by trained group facilitators who are supervised by a licensed professional. During the session, children get to participate in a variety of activities including arts and crafts, games, and discussion to help them express their feelings. 

What to Expect: 5-10 Year Olds

Elijahs’ Place provides a playful environment for our 5-6 and our 7-10 year-old groups. Whether it be using our sand tray, puppet theaters, or other supplies, young children tend to express themselves best through their play. Their groups begin with “check-in” to help them understand why they are here and how they all have something in common. Then, volunteers lead them in an arts and crafts activity or a game that helps them to understand feelings associated with grief and how to handle big emotions in a healthy way. Group size varies, but is generally about four to five in the 5-6 year-old groups and no greater than ten in our 7-10 year-old groups.

What to Expect: Preteens

Children in this group are provided with a cheerful and relaxing environment to express their feelings through activities led by volunteers. Activities can include arts and crafts, games, or topics for discussion. Preteens begin their group with “check-in” to introduce themselves and share what brings them to Elijah’s Place. However, we respect each child’s wishes if they choose to remain silent. Group size varies but is generally about six to seven.

What to Expect: Teens 

Teenagers find comfort in joining their peers who have all experienced similar losses. Adolescence can be a difficult period to navigate without the death of an immediate family member. Our teens come together and support each other as they face the challenges teenage years bring. They make new friends and learn that they are not alone in their grief journey. While volunteers introduce an activity or idea following the opening “check-in,” the teens often spend their time together engaged in discussion.

What to Expect: Adults 

– For safety reasons, it is required that an adult caregiver be present when the children attend Elijah’s Place. Adult groups are held while the children are in their groups and consist of the parents or caregivers of the children. The adults engage in a facilitated conversation about their grief as well as issues such as parenting, financial stability, concerns about their children, legal concerns, and their own feelings. The topics that occur during discussion time are generated by the participants and allow for a person-by-person check-in.

What’s in a name?

The name “Elijah’s Place” is taken from a portion of the biblical story about the prophet Elijah’s experience when he hid in a cave, finding himself alone and afraid. The word of the Lord came to him, not in the strong wind, the earthquake, or the fire; but rather in a “tiny whispering sound” and he was told to go back out and live. It is our desire that Elijah’s Place will assist children who grieve and their families to understand and learn to live with their grief, to hear the “tiny whispering sound” and go out and live

Amazon Wish List How do I get started? How do I volunteer?

Did You Know?

  • 1 in 12 children in the U.S will experience the death of a parent or sibling before age 18.
  • 90% of students will experience the death of a significant person before they graduate.
  • Children do grieve and they grieve differently than adults.
  • Grief can have an impact on a child’s learning, and social and emotional development.

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